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GST Number Verification
API - Free

Integrate GST Search API with your application to validate GST taxpayer details

  • Pay as you go model.

  • Lifetime validity of credits

  • No Setup fees and no monthly charges.

  • Rapid Response and many more...

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Documentation to use API.


You just have to send a HTTP GET/POST request to the following URL

Parameters to Send
gstNo GST Number whose details are required
key_secret Key Secret will be provided to you by us.

Request must have a Header either
Content-Type: application/json If sending data in JSON format
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded If sending data in URLencoded form


JSON will be sent back in response

      "taxpayerInfo": {
        "ctj": "RANGE-IV",
        "pradr": {
          "ntr": "Office / Sale Office",
          "addr": {
            "lg": "",
            "bnm": "",
            "stcd": "Punjab",
            "flno": "",
            "pncd": "141008",
            "city": "",
            "lt": "",
            "dst": "Ludhiana",
            "st": "Street no 1",
            "bno": "3018 Shop no 5",
            "loc": "Ganesh Nagar"
        "tradeNam": "AppyFlow Technologies",
        "lgnm": "DISHANT MAHAJAN",
        "cxdt": "",
        "ctb": "Proprietorship",
        "rgdt": "17/12/2019",
        "adadr": [],
        "dty": "Regular",
        "lstupdt": "17/12/2019",
        "nba": [
          "Office / Sale Office"
        "stjCd": "PB223",
        "stj": "Ludhiana 3 - Ward No.54",
        "gstin": "03DOXPM4071K1ZE",
        "ctjCd": "ZD0304",
        "sts": "Active"
      "filing": [],
      "compliance": {
        "filingFrequency": null

Example - GET Request

Error Handling

error true If any Error
message Error Message if Error == true else undefined.

Free (Trial) Quota

There is a Free Quota of 50 requests. So that everyone can get benefits of the api. After that you need to recharge your wallet. If you want more or Have any other query kindly contact AppyFlow Technologies.

To recharge your wallet Click Here

Get API Key

Key_secret to use API.

Fill this form to get API key_secret

Prepaid Model (API Credits System)

Recharge your wallet.


If recharge amount is less than 1000 then 1 Paid Request = 50 Paise
If recharge amount is greater than 1000 then 1 Paid Request = 40 Paise

For Rs 1000 you'll get 2500 Credits
For Rs 900 you'll get 1800 Credits

Recharge Wallet

* GST Number for invoicing. No need to add if already added in a previous transaction.

Contact Us

Get in touch and let's make something great together. Let's turn your idea on an even greater product. +91 85689 93655 GSTIN: 03DOXPM4071K1ZE

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